Volo Kресло





Volo has been given a Latin name that means ‘I fly’. The lightness of the easy chair is pivotal. Sitting in the chair feels almost like floating, all thanks to the construction whereby steel tubing extends from a round, swiveling aluminum section that enables the chair to easily follow the slightest movement of the person sitting in it.


Frame of 18 mm chromium plated or powder coated steel tubing. Foot plate of compact laminate. Glides.
Molded seat shell upholstered with black alt. white leather and mesh. Adjustable neck pillow and seat cushion in leather.

Frame of 18 mm chromium plated or powder coated steel tubing. Foot plate of compact laminate. Glides.
Molded seat upholstered with black alt. white leather  seat cushion in leather.


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